Item #BAT

Custom Printed Mini Baseball Bat - 18"

Main Product Image for Custom Printed Mini Baseball Bat  - 18"
  1. Custom Printed Mini Baseball Bat  - 18" -
  2. See your product before it ships


Miniumum order quantity is 25

Starting Printed Price: $4.67
Production Time: 5 Working Days (Excludes Weekends & Transit Time)
Price includes 1 location 1 Color Print

Custom Mini Wooden Baseball Bat - 18"

Batter up! These custom mini wooden baseball bats are sure to be a home run at your next event! These bats are perfect for your next trade show, job fair, barbecue, company retreat or reunion! A great, unique and long-lasting souvenir, these mini wooden bats are an ideal way to promote your brand or company name. Swing into action and order your Custom Mini Wooden Baseball Bat today!

Imprint Area:

4.25" X .75"


18.00 L


0.34 lbs

  • Video of product in use

Total: $222.75
Select Your Color:
  1. Mini Baseball Bats - Navy
Need to buy this with a custom logo? CLICK HERE
Samples are $5.84 each (max 1 samples)

NOTE: Samples are randomly selected, colors cannot be selected/guaranteed, samples may also include a random imprint. Free shipping does not apply to samples.

Min. order quantity is 25
Production Time 5 Business Days

How Soon Did You Need Them?

Production Time is approximately 5 Working Days

Enter your Zip Code to select shipping options and estimated delivery date

We ship to Canada too, just enter your postal code.

Date Required by:

Production time and shipping arrival dates are estimates only - MoBalls cannot guarantee that products will arrive on these dates and no refunds will be supplied for products arriving after the dates you have selected.

Production time begins after you have approved your artwork. If you have not received your artwork to approve within 2 business days of placing your order please contact us.

Order notes:

Total: $222.75

* Please note that monitor settings, color settings, and lighting may cause shifts in product colors shown on website. If you have questions or concerns about the exact product color, please contact our sales dept at (800) 648-9309